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Essential Oils

Marija Alasina

Beauty Therapist





29 Chemin Du Creux, 74140, Veigy-Foncenex, France

Date of Birth:

November 4, 1990

A Bit About Me

I love to feel. I like to feel and touch and see… Things, people, aromas, nature, essentials, quintessences…! About everything. And I like to feel and create with my arms and share with people how I can enjoy and celebrate this Life. And a really good way to do it is essential oils.  Beside the aesthetic beauty cosmetics and active ingredients to improve skin quality and appearance I also use the finest oils and essences to help people enjoy great aromas, improving that way their intellectual, physical and spiritual lifestyle.

 People who have a high level of emotional and intellectual sensitivity - essential oils can increase the vibrational level within minutes. Only a few molecules of essential oil going from nose to limbic system - change and improve the whole hormonal system. The whole power of nature in one pill of essential oil. The important thing is to like the aroma of the oil! Thats why I offer every new client to choose their favourite essentials to let them empower daily life. 

Work Experience

December 2022- till now

2014 -2022


Since several months I met love of my life I decide to leave Riga and move to France, Veigy-Foncenex to live together and open my private cabinet in our lovely house! 

I worked in beauty salon "Ancore" and after in "Madara cosmetics", what is the biggest eco cosmetic developing and selling brand in Europe. During covid I start my own successful self-employed job as cosmetologist and aromatherapist. And starting new profession - Psychokineziology.

I started to learn Cosmetology in International College of Cosmetology in Riga and in parallel went to sugar epilation courses with Alexandria Professional with top master from USA, to start asap my practise and already of the first year of my studies I started to work in "Pastelle" Beauty salon.

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