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Exclusive innovative approach

The “Neurodynamic Recovery” technique is an innovative approach to psychotherapy based on the systemic interaction of psychological and physiological processes. It is focused on restoring lost connections between consciousness and body, which allows to achieve positive changes in a person’s emotional and physical states, relationships and personal requests.

The basis of “Neurodynamic Recovery”

The basis of “neurodynamic recovery” is the theory that each person stores in his muscles information about life events that are formed even before the development of conscious perception. This information influences the individual's behavior at an unconscious level. The development of the methodology is based on the works of leading domestic scientists in the field of neuropsychology and physiology A.R. Lurin, I.P. Pavlova and I.M. Sechenov, who laid the foundation of the methodological basis for studying the connections between reflex activity of the brain and behavioral reactions.


The technique includes several stages.

 The first stage is a psychological consultation, at which a connection is established between the patient’s consciousness and subconscious. The second stage is locating, aimed at identifying forgotten or suppressed motor mechanisms. The final stage includes processes aimed at physically restoring connections between the brain and body. The described approach allows you to activate blocked neural pathways and restore lost connections, which leads to a reduction in psychological and physical stress.


Deep Therapeutic effect

Neurodynamic restoration techniques show significant therapeutic potential in the treatment of a wide range of neurological and psychosomatic disorders. This method is especially useful for people suffering from chronic pain, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and those experiencing serious emotional blocks or psychological trauma.


In Harmony. ARE YOU?

In addition, the technique is suitable for those who feel that their body and mind are not in harmony. These patients often experience restrictions in movement or a feeling of stagnation in their lives, which may be related to past experiences. Neurodynamic Restoration helps restore this harmony by offering a holistic approach to treatment that addresses both the emotional and physiological aspects of health.

Get in Touch, if any question appears!

If you want to try this powerful therapeutic tool that has profound effects on mental and physical health with most promising results only in with 3-4 sessions for one request, press bellow for more details



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